Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cheese Burger Burrito

I have been trying to think of healthier ways to make my hubby's favorite meals since he is really trying to lose weight and become a healthier person. The other day I was brain storming and a crazy idea popped into my head...cheese burger burritos! Jason said it sounded interesting and gave the idea a thumbs up so I gave it a try. To our surprise the burritos were delicious, seriously they were SO good! The first thing Jason said to me was "put that on your must make again list asap!" Since they turned out so well I had to share!

Large multi grain or wheat tortillas 
(I used the Wrap tortillas from Mission)
Reduced fat shredded cheese
Half a pickle diced
Ground turkey
Half a small onion diced
Ketchup and mustard

The first thing I did was saute the onions in a tiny bit of olive oil, just until they were a bit soft.

 I then added the ground turkey into the pan with the onions. I seasoned it with a steak seasoning then stirred everything together until the turkey was totally cooked through.

I placed a tortilla on a plate and topped it with some shredded cheese and a few pickle slices.

Then I squirted a bit of mustard and ketchup on top of the cheese and pickles.

I then added some of the ground turkey onion mixture to the tortilla and topped that off with some more shredded cheese.

After piling all the goodness in the middle of the tortilla I folded both ends of the tortilla in then rolled it up. I then placed the burrito, folded side down, on my grilling pan which was on medium heat. I let the burrito sit there until the bottom was sealed and the tortilla had some nice golden brown grill marks on it, I then flipped it and grilled the other side. I flipped the burrito a few times so the tortilla wouldn't burn but the cheese would fully melt.
(easy peasy)

Seriously I was shocked at how great these cheese burger burritos tasted, and a small salad was the perfect healthy side to serve with them.


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