Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pregnancy Care Package

Is it just me or is everyone pregnant right now? Every time I get onto my Facebook page I see a post that another one of my friends is going to have a baby....its all very exciting. Almost 9 months ago my very best friend called to tell me that she was expecting her first child and I couldn't of been happier! There was one sad part though, we live so very far away from each other that I couldn't be there for her in person. So I sent her a pregnancy care package right away!

Since she was going to become a first time mommy I got her the books What To Expect When You're Expecting and Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. I also got her a small package of newborn diapers to start her collection. She was having bad morning sickness, it was really all day sickness, so I got her some Ginger Aid tea. I made sure to include a large water bottle since drinking loads of water is very important while pregnant. I had found a barely used bottle of Palmer's Coco Butter Stretch Mark Lotion in my cabinet from when I was pregnant so I included that in her package as well.  Last but not least I added a Congratulations card. I bought some sparkly tissue paper from The Dollar Tree to wrap all these items up in before placing them in a small box and shipped them off to her.

A pregnancy care package is a great way to show someone how much you care, how excited you are for their little bundle of joy and how much you are there for them even when you cant be there in person.

(This would also be a cute gift basket idea for a pregnant friend or family member)

1 comment:

  1. Hi,Every day I visit a number of blog sites but I'm very happy to read your post Thanks for sharing the informative blog post about Pregnancy Care NH.
